About Practical DEI

Sarah Holder

An image of Sarah Holder, founder and lead consultant. Sarah is wearing a blue button down dress shirt and a floral tie, and is smiling at the camera.

Founder & Lead Consultant, Practical DEI

Navigating any organizational change is challenging, and driving inclusive culture change can feel even more so. With nearly two decades of experience in education, leadership, and organizational development, Sarah has the expertise to help you achieve your individual or organizational inclusion goals— and to help you create important new ones.

Sarah specializes in inclusive leadership & management development, employee activism support, and DEIB strategic planning and assessment. They have experience working in and with organizations of all levels, small businesses and non-profits, and government contractors. They are a subject matter expert in STEM equity, and are passionate about removing the specific barriers to inclusion found in STEM programs and workplaces. They have a master’s degree and a very nearly completed PhD, both in education.

More important than any credential, however, is what it’s like working with Sarah. They are deeply rooted in and driven by their personal values: integrity, service, and well-being. They take a humane, people-centered approach to change that places harm reduction at the root of all strategy. They are always, at the very least, honest.

“You get what you pay for” - Sarah’s dad, about everything.


Guided by Values


Sarah’s practice is guided by compassionate honesty. They will tell you the truth, so that you can feel confident to do the same. They prioritize accountability, respect, courage, and wisdom. This is a “b.s. free” zone.


Change is hard. Sarah is here to help— and they mean it. They’ll be right by your side, coaching you through the tough decisions, designing strategies informed by context-specific data, and stepping up to meet the needs that arise.


Genuinely inclusive communities center joy, kindness, and ethical care for one another. So, every strategy Sarah helps design and implement is rooted in those foundational needs. Healthy, happy people are a pre-requisite for inclusion. Harm reduction is always the first priority.

The Triangle of Project Priorities

The Triangle of Project Priorities guides Sarah’s scope of work and contracting process, but it also helps to explain why some DEIB change efforts (and other change efforts) fail.

Every project has three logistical components: cost, time to completion, and quality of completion. You can prioritize two components, and only two components. A project can be completed quickly and at low cost, but it won’t be high quality. The priority can be quality and low cost, but the project will likely take longer or be limited in scope. Quality and quick completion can be prioritized, but the project will be more costly.

Practical DEI is committed to helping your organizational change efforts be impactful and successful. Sarah is honest about their limits and boundaries, and will help you to do the same.